

Dear colleagues,

Welcome on the webpage of the German Young Radiology Forum of the German Roentgen Society, the officially elected representation of all Radiology residents in Germany. Founded in 2018, we are glad to count already more than 2.000 members and make up for around 20% of all radiologists in the German Roentgen Society. We use this impact to work on continuous improvement of the educational structures and working conditions in residency. At the German Röntgen Congress, we offer new and innovative sessions such as a Case Report sessions for newbies, career development sessions, secret sessions, political discussions, an escape room, a residents’ lounge and of course a great party.

While we are also connected to regional and local sister societies, we do also very much value our international sister societies of other countries, the ECR or RSNA. It is our clear intention to put further emphasis on strengthening these bonds in the future. We are especially interested in supporting the exchange of clinical or research experience and informing our members about international scholarships or prizes.

We welcome any comments or ideas. Feel free to contact us at any time at junge-radiologie@drg.de.

Best regards
The executive board
Isabel, Thekla, Saif, Malte, Mirjam, Andreas, Corinna, Stephan

Ergebnis der Vorstandswahl im Forum Junge Radiologie

Vom 15. bis 31. März fanden im Forum Junge Radiologie die Wahlen für den neuen Vorstand statt. mehr

Kostenlose Mitgliedschaft

Mitglieder im Forum Junge Radiologie sparen den ersten DRG-Jahresbeitrag und erhalten kostenlosen eRef-Zugang.
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Das Junge Forum auf dem RöKo

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Über uns - der Vorstand stellt sich vor

Wer wird sind, was uns an der Radiologie fasziniert und warum wir uns im Forum engagieren - das erfahrt Ihr hier!
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Case Reports präsentieren

Aktiv beim RöKo dabei sein? Dann reicht Eure Poster-Abstracts ein und präsentiert Euer Poster live.
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